Instagram Packages India

Instagram Packages: How much is the pricing of Instagram Packages in India?

Welcome to ABS, where we specialize in crafting bespoke Instagram packages tailored to elevate your social media presence. In a digital world dominated by visual storytelling, our packages are designed to unlock your brand's potential, engaging your audience with captivating content and strategic growth tactics.


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Why choose Instagram Ads?

In a digital world where attention is currency, Instagram Ads stand out as a beacon of opportunity for brands seeking to make an impact. Here at ABS, we recognize the unparalleled potential that Instagram Ads offer in reaching and engaging with your target audience like never before. Here’s why choosing Instagram Ads through our tailored packages is the ultimate game-changer for your brand:

Precision Targeting

With Instagram Ads, gone are the days of casting a wide net and hoping for the best. Our packages leverage the advanced targeting capabilities of Instagram Ads to pinpoint your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. By reaching the right people at the right time, you can maximize the effectiveness of your ad spend and drive meaningful results for your brand.

Immersive Visual Experience

Instagram is a platform built on the power of visual storytelling, and Instagram Ads allow you to seamlessly integrate your brand’s message into the user’s browsing experience. Whether it’s through eye-catching photos, captivating videos, or immersive carousel ads, our packages empower you to create compelling content that resonates with your audience and inspires action.

Actionable Insights

In the world of marketing, data is king. With Instagram Ads, you gain access to a wealth of valuable insights and analytics that provide deep visibility into the performance of your campaigns. Our packages include comprehensive reporting and analysis tools that allow you to track key metrics, measure ROI, and optimize your strategy for maximum impact.

Shoppable Posts

Shoppable posts serve as a seamless way for businesses to showcase products directly within their Instagram posts, facilitating effortless discovery and purchase for users browsing their feed. When users interact with a tagged product, they are swiftly redirected to a detailed product page within Instagram, where they can explore additional information and complete their purchase without navigating away from the app. By leveraging shoppable posts, businesses can effectively drive sales and simplify the shopping journey for their audience, enhancing both user experience and revenue generation.

Stories and Reels

Instagram's Stories and Reels features present businesses with extra avenues to craft compelling content and connect with their desired audience. These dynamic formats hold particular appeal among users, offering a more immersive experience compared to standard posts. Through interactive components like polls, questions, and quizzes, businesses can actively prompt user engagement and solicit valuable feedback from their audience. Leveraging these features enables businesses to foster deeper connections with their followers and enhance their overall brand engagement on the platform.

Higher Conversion Rates

When users interact with a post through actions like liking, commenting, or sharing, their engagement is frequently showcased to their own followers, thereby amplifying the post's reach beyond its initial audience. As the post garners more engagement, it gains prominence on the feeds of those users, consequently enhancing the likelihood of other individuals encountering the brand and its content. Moreover, when users leave comments on posts, brands are presented with an opportunity to respond, facilitating the initiation of conversations and the establishment of meaningful connections with their followers.

Instagram Advertising Rates

Instagram advertising rates in India can vary depending on various factors such as the target audience, campaign objectives, ad format, and duration. However, on average, the cost per click (CPC) for Instagram ads in India ranges from ₹10 to ₹50, Cost Per Engagement (CPE) for Instagram advertising in India typically ranges from ₹2 to ₹10, while the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) can vary between ₹50 to ₹300.

These rates are influenced by factors such as the competitiveness of the target audience, the quality of the ad content, and the timing of the campaign. Additionally, Instagram offers various ad formats, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads, each with its own pricing structure.


Instagram Cost Per Click (CPC)

The pricing model for Instagram's Cost Per Click (CPC) advertising typically spans from ₹10 to ₹50 across all engagement metrics. CPC encapsulates a range of user interactions with an ad, including actions such as link clicks, likes, reactions, comments, and shares. However, it's important to note that these figures are approximate, and actual CPC rates can fluctuate significantly based on a variety of campaign parameters and prevailing market conditions.


Instagram Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

In India, the CPM rates for Instagram ads typically span from roughly ₹50 to ₹300 or even higher per thousand impressions. When comparing to Facebook, Instagram tends to have CPM rates approximately twice as low. Moreover, Instagram generally experiences a higher frequency of CPCs (Cost Per Clicks) in contrast to Facebook.

Ads_Insta Packages

Instagram Cost Per Engagement (CPE)

The CPE (Cost Per Engagement) rates for Instagram ads in India typically span from approximately ₹2 to ₹10 or potentially higher per engagement. Nevertheless, these figures are approximations and are subject to change based on prevailing market dynamics. The cost of Instagram advertising on a CPE basis in India can vary significantly, contingent upon factors such as the nature of engagement (e.g., likes, comments, shares, clicks) .

Instagram Promotion Cost

Social Starter

Features Details
Price ₹7299 [US$165]
Ad Design Basic Template
Ad Copywriting Basic Text
Ad Placement Standard Locations
Target Audience Basic Demographics
Campaign Monitoring Basic Analytics
Ad Budget Management Manual
Duration 1 Week
Support Email Support
A/B Testing Not Included
Call-to-Action Optimization Not Included
Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design Included
Ad Creative Refresh Included
Cross Platform Integration Not Included
Dedicated Account Manager Not Included
Influencer Collaboration Not Included

Social Pro

Features Details
Price ₹14799 [US$325]
Ad Design Customized Design
Ad Copywriting Engaging Copy
Ad Placement Targeted Locations
Target Audience Advanced Targeting
Campaign Monitoring Detailed Reporting
Ad Budget Management Semi Automated
Duration 2 Weeks
Support Email & Phone Support
A/B Testing Basic A/B Testing
Call-to-Action Optimization Included
Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design Included
Ad Creative Refresh Quarterly Refresh
Cross Platform Integration Basic Integration
Dedicated Account Manager Not Included
Influencer Collaboration Basic Outreach

Social Elite

Features Details
Price ₹22499 [US$495]
Ad Design Premium Design
Ad Copywriting Tailored Messaging
Ad Placement Premium  Locations
Target Audience Custom segmentation
Campaign Monitoring Advanced Analytics
Ad Budget Management Fully Managed
Duration 1 Month
Support Priority Support
A/B Testing Advanced A/B Testing
Call-to-Action Optimization Advanced Optimization
Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design Included
Ad Creative Refresh Monthly Refresh
Cross Platform Integration Comprehensive Integration
Dedicated Account Manager Included
Influencer Collaboration Premium Influencer Partnerships

Our Approach to Instagram Advertising

✔️Audience Insights: We start by gaining a deep understanding of your target audience – their demographics, interests, behaviors, and preferences. By analyzing audience insights, we're able to craft highly targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful engagement.

✔️Creative Excellence:In a visually-driven platform like Instagram, creative excellence is key to capturing attention and making an impact. Our team of skilled designers and content creators work tirelessly to develop captivating visuals and compelling messaging that tell your brand's story in a memorable way.

✔️Data-Driven Optimization:We believe in the power of data to inform and optimize our advertising strategies. Throughout the campaign lifecycle, we closely monitor key performance metrics, track user interactions, and analyze campaign data to identify opportunities for improvement and refinement.

✔️Ongoing Optimization: We understand that success in advertising is an ongoing journey, not a one-time event. That's why we're committed to continuous optimization and improvement. We continuously test and refine our strategies, adjusting targeting, creative elements, and messaging to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency.

Why Choose Us?

At ABS, we take pride in offering a versatile selection of tailored Instagram advertising packages, uniquely crafted to suit each client's specific needs. Understanding that pricing can vary depending on the selected package and the extent of services required, we emphasize the importance of collaborative discussions with our clients to devise Instagram packages perfectly tailored to their individual requirements.

Our range of Instagram packages is comprehensive, providing adaptability to cater to diverse client preferences. Depending on your chosen package, your Instagram advertising bundle may encompass a singular service or a combination of offerings, ensuring a customized approach to meet your objectives. Here are some reasons why you should choose  ABS:

  • Tailored Solutions
  • Transparent Communication
  • Data-Driven Approach
  • Exceptional Customer Service
  • Results-Oriented Solutions
  • Expertise and Experience

FAQ about Instagram Advertising Packages in India

    1. What are Instagram Advertising Packages?

      Instagram advertising packages are predefined bundles of advertising services offered by marketing agencies or platforms. These packages typically include a set combination of ad placements, targeting options, and campaign management services tailored to specific business goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads. They provide businesses with a convenient and structured way to leverage Instagram's advertising platform to reach their target audience effectively.

    2. How do Instagram Advertising Packages work?

      Instagram advertising packages work by offering businesses a pre-packaged set of advertising services specifically designed to promote their products or services on the Instagram platform. These packages typically include various components such as ad creation, targeting options, budget allocation, and campaign management services. Businesses can select a package that aligns with their marketing objectives and budget, and the advertising provider handles the implementation and optimization of the campaign. This streamlined approach allows businesses to leverage Instagram's advertising capabilities without the need for extensive expertise or resources in digital marketing.

    3. What type of Instagram Advertising Packages are available?

      Instagram advertising packages can vary based on the marketing agency or platform offering them, but commonly available types include:

      1. Basic Packages: These typically include essential services such as ad creation, targeting, and campaign management for businesses looking to start their Instagram advertising journey.

      2. Standard Packages: These offer more comprehensive services than basic packages, often including additional features like advanced targeting options, multiple ad creatives, and ongoing campaign optimization.

      3. Premium Packages: Geared towards businesses seeking a high level of customization and hands-on support, premium packages may include features such as dedicated account management, custom ad strategies, and in-depth analytics reporting.

      4. Specialized Packages: Tailored to specific industries or objectives, specialized packages may focus on areas like e-commerce, lead generation, brand awareness, or event promotion, offering specialized expertise and strategies to achieve targeted goals.

    4. Can Instagram Advertising Packages include ad creativity design?

      Yes, Instagram advertising packages often include ad creative design as part of their services. These packages typically provide businesses with professionally designed ad creatives tailored to their brand and campaign objectives.

    5. Can I target specific demographics or interests with Instagram Advertising Packages?

      Yes, Instagram advertising packages typically offer targeting options that allow businesses to reach specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations.

    6. What are the benefits of using Instagram Advertising Packages?

      The benefits of using Instagram advertising packages include:
      1. Simplified Process: Streamlined packages make it easy to launch and manage Instagram ad campaigns without extensive expertise.
      2. Targeted Reach: Packages offer precise targeting options to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
      3. Professional Support: Many packages include expert guidance and campaign management to optimize ad performance.
      4. Cost-Effectiveness: Bundled services often provide better value compared to piecing together individual advertising components.
      5. Measurable Results: Packages typically include reporting and analytics tools to track campaign performance and ROI effectively.

    7. Is advertising on Instagram worth the cost?

      For many businesses, advertising on Instagram can be worth the cost due to its extensive reach, highly targeted advertising options, and potential for driving engagement and conversions. However, the effectiveness of Instagram advertising depends on various factors, including your industry, target audience, ad content, and campaign strategy. It's essential to carefully evaluate your goals and monitor your campaign performance to determine if the ROI justifies the cost.

    8. What are the different types of Instagram Ads?

      The different types of Instagram ads include:
      1. Photo Ads
      2. Video Ads
      3. Carousel Ads
      4. Stories Ads
      5. Explore Ads
      These ad formats offer various ways to engage with your audience and achieve your marketing objectives on the platform.