Top 10+ Job Portal Website Templates & Live Demo

Are you looking to get a Job Portal Website designed and developed? The Job portal website template and demo listed below will help you build your website easily and quickly. Check out the stunning Job Portal website template and live demo below.

Contact ABS to get the best website design and development services today.

Functions & Features of this Job Portal Website:

  • Premium looks
  • Dynamic design
  • Advanced job search based on location, industry, company, part-time, full-time, etc
  • Subscription packages for candidates
  • Multiple dashboards for candidates and recruiters
  • Set featured jobs on top
  • Online payment gateway integration
  • Job alerts for candidates
  • Advanced geolocation search
  • Indeed jobs integration
  • Automated email notifications to candidates & recruiters
  • Social Login
  • Apply via LinkedIn & Facebook
  • Responsive design
  • SEO friendly design and website structure
  • Powerful Page Builder
  • Fully scalable to accommodate thousands of job listings, candidates, and recruiters.
  • Integrated full functionality blog
  • Multiple monetization options – Membership packages, advertisement space, paid listings & featured postings.
  • Multilanguage support including Hindi, Arabic, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, etc.
  • 100% mobile-friendly
  • Compatible with popular third-party apps
  • Regular security and performance updates
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