ten benifits of digital marketing for local business

10 Reasons Why A Local Business Needs Digital Marketing [Infographic]

If you think Digital Marketing is not essential for small business…. Think again!

Last year, Ads spending on Internet overtook advertising on TV and other networks. Traditional advertisements don’t have that much influence and command anymore in a world where multi-channel digital marketing is increasing by as much as 147%, supported by an even amazing 500% increment in brands opting for multiple digital marketing channels.

What caused this rapid increase in the use of Digital Marketing? The short answer is - consumer behavior.

As many as 79% of consumers and customers are connecting with brands through various digital marketing channels and activities according to a report from Mashable.

But the strange part is, despite the fact that consumers and business owners alike are switching to a consumer-friendly digital route, many small businesses are still lagging behind and are slow to pick on the trend.

Contrary to what many small business owners and entrepreneurs believe, digital marketing is not as complicated as it appears.

The effort would be well worth it as many small and local business owners have already experienced and savored.

If all these are still not enough to convince you to go digital – then these top 10 benefits surely will.

1. Digital Marketing Connects You with Consumers on the Internet – Going through phone directories or classifieds ads to search for a product or service is a thing of the past. Now, at least 80% of customers and prospects use the Internet to search for information on local businesses, products, and services.

2. Digital Marketing Generates Higher Conversion Rates – Through Digital Marketing, you will be able to reach out to targeted audiences, generate high-quality leads and achieve as much as a 44% increment in conversion rates.

3. Digital Marketing Saves You Money – Gartner’s Digital Marketing Spend Report explained how small business owners are reaping the cost-effective benefits of digital marketing, with as many as 60% reporting considerable savings generated from their digital efforts when compared to traditional efforts.

4. Digital Marketing Enables Real-Time Customer Service – This real-time feedback infrastructure offered by digital marketing can lay a huge impact on the success of your business according to a report from eMarketer. Consumers these days and looking for quick services and digital marketing is the only way to cater to such consumer needs.

5. Digital Marketing Connects You with the Mobile Consumer – Digital marketing can help you tap this huge market, now that mobile marketing generates up to 64% of all organic traffic. According to eMarketer, mobile technology is also influencing the buying behavior of consumers.

6. Digital Marketing Helps Generate Higher Revenues – A research shows, customers need at least 6 touch points before they are convinced to purchase a product or service, but if they do they are likely to spend as much as 4X any other types of customers – and that’s really good for small and budding businesses!

7. Digital Marketing Delivers Higher ROI from Your Campaigns – In a HubSpot report, it was established that digital marketing helps businesses generate much better, higher quality leads and a much lower price. Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) in digital marketing is much lower compared to traditional marketing or even telemarketing.

8. Digital Marketing Keeps You at Par with Competitors – Many local brands and small businesses are improving their digital marketing footprint, using various channels available including display, PPC, mobile and social media.

9. Digital Marketing Can Help You Compete with Large Corporations – Digital marketing not only keeps you at par with your competitors, but it can also enable you to compete head-on with big brands and large corporations. This would be virtually impossible to carry out using traditional marketing and advertising methods for a small business.

10. Digital Marketing Prepares You for the Internet of Things – A report by Gartner estimates that by the year 2020, there will be 26 billion gadgets in the world – smartphones, tablets, watches, eyeglass, appliances, shoes and more – all interconnected with each other in a global online ecosystem that will make up the “Internet of Things”.

Want more? Check out the infographic below:

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Top 10 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Small Business

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