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10 Local SEO Tips For Small Business [Infographic]

Local SEO stands for Local Search Engine Optimization. Local SEO help to present your business to people looking for your products or services in your geographic (local) location.

For example, people looking for a dentist in Koramangala will be shown dentists in Kormangala. Local SEO help to get your business in top search results in local searches such as these.

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Here are the top 10 Local SEO tips Small Business:

    • Pick your keywords carefully - Keywords are still one of the most important factors when it comes to search engine optimizations and also Local SEO. The best to find the best keywords and key-phrases to look form the consumers' perspective. What would a consumer type in searches when he is looking for a particular product or service locally. Make a list of these keywords and key-phrases and optimize your web presence and Local SEO by using these keywords.


    • Offer high-quality content - Content is king! If you want to be the leader in your industry, you have a publish high quality and high-value content consistently. Publishing high-quality content for local consumer needs not just improves your Local SEO but also establishes trust and brand authority.


    • Create a page for each location - If your business has multiple branches, create a webpage for each local branch separately on your website as well as on local listings. This will help increase your businesses' overall web presence and in return your Local SEO.


    • Claim and optimize local listings - Create or claim all local listing pertaining to your business on directories such as Google my business, Just dial, Practo, etc. The next step after claiming is to optimize these listings for local searches. Start by completing the profile with name, local address, phone number, working hours, categories, etc.


    • Get solid NAP citations - Citations are mentions of your business on other websites like local directories, social media pages, forums, etc. Make sure to use consistent Name, local address and phone number on every website to improve your local SEO.


    • Encourage customer reviews - Request happy customers to leave reviews on your product and/or service on your website as well as on local directories and listings. The best way to encourage a customer to give reviews is by providing them with an incentive such as a coupon and free service.


    • Don't over-optimize - Search engines are getting smarter every day. If you over-optimize your website for say keywords by over-stuffing the keyword everywhere on your website, you might actually get penalized by search engines which can damage your Local SEO and SEO in general.


    • Optimize for mobile searches - Mobile traffic has already overtaken desktop and laptop traffic on the internet. Optimizing your website for mobile visitors will make sure you don't lose local customers from this already huge and still growing segment of mobile users.


    • Use social media - Social presence of your brand increase awareness and also builds trust by providing social proof. Search engines consider the social presence of a brand as an important factor for search rank. So improving your social presence in your geographic location will help you boost your Local SEO.
    • Use images and videos - Graphic information like images and videos are quickly overtaking textual information like blogs and articles. Internet users and consumers, in general, are more attracted to visual content. So optimizing your website with relevant images and videos will help you boot your Local SEO.

Want more? checkout out our infographic on Local SEO tips:

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